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Napo River Tour

Hostal Pakay's Most Popular Choice Of Tours

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Kichwa Village 

This is a canoe tour which takes you throughout the Rio Napo area. On this tour you will experience a Kichwa village and witness some of the daily activities that take place. These activities include pottery making, how to make Chicha, hunting with a blow gun and panning for gold. The women in this community also have a small gift shop where you can purchase handmade pottery, jewelry, and body products. It is a great way to support this small community.

Chocolate Farm

Next destination is a trip to a chocolate farm. In this beautiful ‘finca’ you will observe the process of chocolate making, including how it is grown, dried and ground. You will also have an opportunity to taste the chocolate. 


You will be tubing to the next destination. You will be given a life jacket, and also have a boat for security and to store your personal items. After a short trip in the river, you will arrive at the animal rescue center.

Animal Rescue Center

This animal rescue center that rehabilitates native amazon animals in hopes of releasing them back into the wild. If you want to see animals up close, as it is very rare to see them in the wild, this is the perfect spot!

_While it may seem small, the ripple eff

The flora and fauna is the most diverse

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-07 at 18.13.05-3.

Pristine and diverse water make Tena ideal for river activities


Explore canyons, caves and waterfalls


Learn about the Kichwa and the Waorani indigenous cultures

Contact Us

Av. Antisana (Perimetral) y Manuel M. Rosales Barrio 30 de Diciembre
Tena, Ecuador

+593 6-284-7449

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